  English Version
  ISSN 2096-9228(online)
ISSN 1008-8830(print)
CN 43-1301/R


Brief introduction to the 10th CIS Pediatric Conference

焦富勇  穆志龙    陕西省人民医院儿童病院
Jiao Fuyong, Mu Zhilong. Children's Hospital of Shaanxi Provincial People's Hospital, Xi'an, China.


大会研究讨论了当前儿科疾病的预防、诊断、治疗以及临床药理学等问题。对独联体国家儿科和新生儿学的当前问题,母婴相关疾病中临床药理学和生物伦理学的当前问题等进行大会交流讨论,共五个主要议题分为五个专场,俄罗斯科学院院士Gorelov A.V.教授等与会学者分别从儿童的病毒感染及其他疾病共报告论文117篇。

本次会议的主席团成员有独联体儿科学会主席乌扎卡巴耶夫·坎奇贝克、俄罗斯科学院院士Gorelov A.V.教授、吉尔吉斯斯坦国家妇幼保健中心Duishe K. Kudaiarov院士、小儿外科学会主席伊万·萨切夫教授、阿塞拜疆儿科学会主席等人。



吉尔吉斯共和国卫生部部长巴帝诺娃、俄罗斯科学院院士Gorelov A.V.教授在大会致辞。

Uzakbayev K.A.、Sulaimanov Sha.A.教授(吉尔吉斯斯坦)发表在新挑战下保护儿童健康的论文;俄罗斯科学院院士、科学工作主任Gorelov A.V.教授提出儿童病毒感染:干扰素的焦点?乌兹别克斯坦卫生部部长、儿科学会主席Akhmedova D.I.教授大会报告了儿童健康领域的成就和展望,指出医疗保障制度在乌兹别克斯坦医疗发展中起到的重要作用;Kyrgizov I.V.教授、Doletsko S.Y.院士发表儿童慢性便秘的外科治疗的观点;博孔巴耶娃S.D.教授提出儿童围产期病理学的观点;俄罗斯科学院院士、继续教育学会及药理学会主席Sgchev D.A.教授提出儿科实践中药物治疗注意个体化和方法,真实和可能性;王辉教授提出治疗脑疾病的中医方法;哈萨克斯坦科学院院长、国家临床药理学会主席Kuzdenbaeva教授报告了药物风险与警示,指出在药物应用中一定要注意其毒副作用及处理措施;Kadyrov R.M.发表吉尔吉斯斯坦儿童神经内窥镜检查的机遇与前景的文章;Kusainov A.Z.、Pravleniya发表对哈萨克斯坦儿外科的看法,Sooronbayev T.M.教授发表吉尔吉斯斯坦的医学发展战略的文章,格拉西缅科医生提出新生儿状态的观点,Tashenova G.T.教授谈到对哈萨克斯坦共和国儿科服务发展的状况和前景。

哈萨克国立大学迪南博耶娃教授报道了非典型血中毒综合征的诊断和使用;Pyinzin A.l.教授发表智力分析技术的文章;Aupoe P.P.儿科院长提出儿科剖面训练的观点;Vorobjeo D.V.教授讲述生态预防的现代科学观念;萨托娃教授发表产后综合征和儿童相关疾病的研讨;Batyrkhanov S.K.教授提出肺炎是当今儿童面临的早期挑战。Nugmanova A.M.教授报道保护儿童健康的技术;卡德罗娃谈到神经病患者的早期康复和评估;Asheraliyev M.E.教授发表儿童支气管哮喘的现实和前景文章;舒库罗夫V.K.讲述了世界卫生组织手册的实施经验;卡帕耶夫D.J.报告儿童肺炎的诊断与治疗;图尔杜耶夫医生提出了维生素D在现代医生工作中的重要性;Sulaymanov S.A.教授发表儿童呼吸道疾病支气管哮喘的报告;洛克希娜E.E.提出干扰素治疗的相关问题;Usenko D.V.报告了儿童的传染病和炎症性咽喉疾病的文章;Mamyrbayeva T.T.教授提出儿童和青少年营养不良的问题。

Shuliak G.A.谈特蒙克儿童疗养院的工作经验;Belykh N.A.博士发表维生素D对炎症生物标记的影响的报告;Stezhkina E.V.提出婴儿体内波利诺斯流动的特征;科佐纳扎罗娃G.K.发表细胞因子谱的报告;贡博耶娃提出塑造孩子健康的现实问题是什么?


Lyoushkina教授谈到预防和管理呼吸应激综合征的现代技术;Navruzova S教授提出儿科感染问题;Zeyvald S.V.报告新生儿长时间病理黄痘的特征;Lonushena S.V.报告新生儿超声刻度诊断和预测肺变化;lsaeva R.B.教授报告中亚医学教育发展教育质量;图拉耶夫T.T.K.教授提出高氏呼吸道过敏诊断鉴别方法;Seisebayev R.Z.教授报告儿童哮喘造成的损害分析;迪坎巴耶夫A.A.教授发表学童的合理饮食作为提高儿童健康和免疫力的新观点;托尔塔耶夫提出感染的预防;博奇科娃院士报告新生儿扫描效率和诊断能力;阿本塔耶娃B.A.发表新生儿血液稀释剂缺乏的诊断和纠正的报告;Abduvaliyeva S.T.主任谈到吉尔吉斯斯坦新生儿教育的发展;Omarova D.S.提出建立护士服务;希托娃报告中亚国家川崎综合症的治疗研究现状;Zhubanysheva K.B.谈到产前护理中心分离早产儿病理的经验;埃鲁巴耶娃报告新生儿非免疫性水肿病例分析。


Tilekevo U.M.教授提出生物伦理,医学社会和药物治疗的法律问题;Khajidis A.K.教授谈到药物的使用规则;扎戈罗德尼科娃教授发表母亲在怀孕期间和母乳喂养期间儿童药物治疗风险的报告;贝思里德G.A.谈到儿科门诊医生抗微生物疗法态度。耶拉列娃B.A.提出儿科药理学的焦点;耶拉列娃谈到药物流行病学分析;博兰巴耶娃谈到儿童时服用的药物炭疽表现;乌斯肯巴耶夫T.B.提出儿科医生对世卫组织儿童药物配方的承诺。蒂勒基耶娃报告药剂师专业的状况和前景;阿洪巴耶娃L.K.提出结核药物援助是第一步;阿曼纳利耶娃J.J.谈到非处方药治疗住院儿童。Khurochkin Z.A.报告医药产品的药效学,库尔曼库洛娃、穆拉托娃发表儿童药物滥用的报告;莫伊社诺夫提出降低药房吸毒风险的方法;道列特别科夫报道了传染病院儿童的抗生素治疗。


Salimov Sh.Tt谈到腔内视频外科技术的应用;拜扎科夫乌扎克巴耶夫提到吉尔吉斯斯坦共和国肾移植的第一次试验;考波夫报告儿童肝脏切除;米尔扎卡里莫夫B.H.发表胸部畸形儿童的术前准备的文章;萨蒂尔加诺夫谈到手术优化成骨细胞;塔纳特提出全面外科治疗儿童神经节病;阿卜杜萨马托夫报告腹腔镜回肠球菌切除术。阿基洛夫H.A.谈到紧急腹部手术内窥镜手术的优势;雷斯库尔别科夫谈到棘球蚴病的手术治疗和预防;易卜拉伊莫夫K.S.发表MRI在儿童中枢神经系统病理诊断中的作用的报告;卡拉切夫乌扎克巴耶夫报告脑积水儿童的术后康复。达尼亚罗夫E.S.发表纠正儿童输尿管反流的报告;埃利克巴耶夫G.M.提出一种新的方法来确定在儿童和青少年割礼时切除的包皮的数量;埃米罗斯拉诺娃谈到在患脊髓疝儿童中治疗畸形的经验;艾塔利耶夫M.S.谈到抗生素治疗的现代方面。马拉加日达罗夫B.O.发表有关新生儿死亡率的报告;库尔马纳利耶夫M.B.报告纠正新生儿食管闭锁;米尔扎赫梅托夫提出先天性隔膜疝校正的外科技术;Erkulov E.I.谈到儿童先天性胆总管囊肿。


Uiezko E.A.教授提及白俄罗斯的人口政策;Simchenko A.V.谈到随访服务是组织围产期疾病儿童医疗的现代方向;Sankovets D.N.报告治疗策略和处理早产儿的方法;Shumilov P.V.报告儿童食物过敏的报道;Sorvacheva T.N.提出饮食失调儿童和青少年的差异化矫正方法;Shishimororov I.N.提及过敏性疾病的药物治疗;Pavlovskaya E.V.谈到儿童肥胖是否可以警告和节食;Gorelova Z.Y.谈到学校和学前营养组织的现状;米塞尔尼茨基Y.L.提出儿科现代抗病毒策略;邦达连科提出腹腔镜无排水胸整形;加拉克蒂奥娃报告儿童发育不良症候群;奥穆尔扎科娃A.E.发表产前病理未出世的婴儿出现无侧位期的特异性的报告。

English Version

Brief introduction to the 10th CIS Pediatric Conference

The 10th CIS Paediatric Congress will be held on 14-17 September 2023 in Issyk Lake Oblast, Kyrgyz Republic, on the shores of the beautiful Issyk Lake. More than 200 medical staff from nearly 10 countries including Russia, China, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Uzbekistan, Azerbaijan and Belarus attended the tenth anniversary Congress of Paediatric medicine in CIS countries. The Congress examines current issues in the prevention, diagnosis, treatment and clinical pharmacology of pediatric diseases. The theme of the conference is "Children and society: health, development and nutrition". The president of the Congress is the Chairman of the Federation of Paediatricians of the Commonwealth of Independent States and the member of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences Professor Uzakabayev Kantschbeck.

The Congress discussed current issues in the prevention, diagnosis, treatment and clinical pharmacology of pediatric diseases. Current issues in pediatrics and neonatology in CIS countries, current issues in clinical pharmacology and bioethics in maternal and child-related diseases were discussed at the conference, with five main topics divided into five special sessions, Member of the Russian Academy of Sciences Professor Golylov and other participating scholars reported 117 papers on viral infections and other diseases in children.
The Bureau of the meeting included the President of the CIS Paediatric Society Uzakabayev Kanchibek, Member of the Russian Academy of Sciences Professor Golylov, Academician Duishe K. Kudaiarov of National Center for Women and Children's health of Kyrgyzstan, Chairman of the Society of Pediatric Surgery Professor Ivan Sakhev, Chairman of the Azerbaijani Pediatric Society and others.

The meeting consists of five parts, which are as follows:

Part I: Paediatric part

Minister of Health of the Kyrgyz Republic Badinova and Professor Gorelov A.V., Member of the Russian Academy of Sciences, addressed the conference.

Uzakbayev K.A., Prof. Sulaimanov Sha.A (Kyrgyzstan) presented articles on child health protection in the context of new challenges; Prof. Gorelov A.V., Member of the Russian Academy of Sciences and Director of scientific work, proposed that viral infections in children: The focus of interferon? Prof. Akhmedova D.I., Minister of Health and President of the Paediatric Society of Uzbekistan, reported on the achievements and prospects in the field of children's health, noting the important role played by the health care system in the development of health care in Uzbekistan; Prof. Kyrgizov I.V., Academician Doletsko S.Y., presented views on the surgical treatment of chronic constipation in children; Prof. Bokombayeva S.D. presented the idea of perinatal pathology in children; Prof. Sgchev D.A., Member of the Russian Academy of Sciences, President of the Society of Continuing Education and the Society of Pharmacology, spoke about individualized and methodological attention, reality and possibility of drug therapy in pediatric practice; Prof. Wang Hui proposed the traditional Chinese medicine method to treat brain disease; Prof. Kuzdenbaeva, President of the Kazakh Academy of Sciences and Chairman of the National Society of Clinical Pharmacology, reported on the risks and warnings of drugs, pointing out that in the use of drugs, it is necessary to pay attention to their toxic side effects and treatment measures; Kadyrov R.M. presented articles on opportunities and prospects for neuroendoscopy in children in Kyrgyzstan; Kusainov A.Z. and Pravleniya commented on pediatric surgery in Kazakhstan, Prof. Sooronbayev T.M. presented articles on the medical development strategy of Kyrgyzstan, Dr. Gerasimenko presented views on the state of newborns, and Prof. Tashenova G.T. spoke about the state and prospects for the development of paediatric services in the Republic of Kazakhstan.

Prof. Dinanboyeva of Kazakh State University reported on the diagnosis and use of atypical blood poisoning syndrome; Prof. Pyinzin A.l. published articles on intelligence analysis techniques; Aupoe P.P., director of Pediatrics, proposed the idea of pediatric profiling training; Prof. Vorobjeo D.V. talked about the modern scientific concept of ecological prevention; Prof. Satova presented research on postpartum syndrome and child-related diseases; Prof. Batyrkhanov S.K. presented pneumonia as an early challenge for children today. Prof. Nugmanova A.M. reported on technology to protect children's health; Kadrova talked about the early rehabilitation and evaluation of patients with neuropathy; Prof. Asheraliyev M.E. published articles on the reality and prospects of bronchial asthma in children; Shukurov V.K. described the experience in the implementation of the WHO manual; Kapayev D.J. reported on the diagnosis and treatment of pneumonia in children; Dr. Turduyev raised the importance of vitamin D in the work of modern doctors; Prof. Sulaymanov S.A. presented a report on the childhood respiratory disease bronchial asthma; Roxina E.E. raised questions about interferon therapy; Usenko D.V. reported articles on infectious diseases and inflammatory throat diseases in children; Prof. Mamyrbayeva T.T. raised the issue of malnutrition among children and adolescents.

Shuliak G.A. talked about his work experience at the Temonk Children's Nursing Home; Dr. Belykh N.A. presented a report on the effects of vitamin D on inflammatory biomarkers; Stezhkina E.V. proposed the characteristics of Polynos flow in infants; Kozonazarova G.K. presented a report on cytokine profiles; Gomboyeva raised what are the real-world issues that shape children's health.

Part II: Current problems in paediatrics and neonatology in CIS countries

Prof. Lyoushkina talked about modern techniques for the prevention and management of respiratory stress syndrome; Prof. Navruzova S raised the issue of pediatric infections; Zeyvald S.V. reported the characteristics of prolonged pathological yellowpox in neonates; lonushena S.V. reported the diagnosis and prediction of pulmonary changes in neonates with ultrasonic scale; Prof. lsaeva R.B. reported on the development of medical education in Central Asia; Prof. Tulayev T.T.K. proposed the method of diagnosing and differentiating Gao's respiratory tract allergy. Prof. Seisebayev R.Z. reported on damage analysis caused by asthma in children; Prof. Dikambayev A.A. presented a new perspective on the rational diet of schoolchildren as a way to improve children's health and immunity; Toltayev proposed prevention of infection; Academician Bochkova reported on neonatal scanning efficiency and diagnostic capabilities; Abentayeva B.A. published a report on the diagnosis and correction of blood thinner deficiencies in newborns; Director Abduvaliyeva S.T. spoke about the development of neonatal education in Kyrgyzstan; Omarova D.S. proposed the establishment of a nurse service; Hitova reported on the status of research on treatment of Kawasaki syndrome in Central Asian countries; Zhubanysheva K.B. spoke about the experience of separating pathologic conditions of premature infants in prenatal care centers; Erubayeva reported a case analysis of neonatal non-immune edema.

Part III: Current issues in clinical pharmacology and bioethics in maternal and child-related diseases

Prof. Tilekevo U.M. presented bioethics, medical society and legal issues of drug therapy; Prof. Khajidis A.K. talked about the rules of drug use; Prof. Zagorodnikova published a report on the risks of medication for children during pregnancy and breastfeeding by mothers; Beth Reed G.A. spoke to pediatric outpatient physicians about antimicrobial therapy attitudes. Yelareva B.A. presented the focus of pediatric pharmacology; Jelareva talked about pharmacoepidemiological analysis; Bolanbayeva spoke about anthrax manifestations of the drug taken by children; Uskenbayev T.B. presented paediatricians' commitment to WHO formulations of medicines for children. Tirkieva reported on the situation and prospects of the profession of pharmacists; Akhunbayeva L.K. proposed TB drug aid as a first step; Amanaliyeva J.J. talked about over-the-counter medications to treat hospitalized children. Khurochkin Z.A. reported on the pharmacodynamics of pharmaceutical products, and Kurmankulova and Muratova published reports on drug abuse in children; Moisenov proposed ways to reduce the risk of drug use in pharmacies; Dolestkov reported on antibiotic treatment of children in infectious disease hospitals.

Part IV: Pediatric surgery

Salimov Sh.Tt talked about the application of endovascular video surgery techniques; Byzakov Uzakbayev mentioned the first trial of kidney transplantation in the Kyrgyz Republic; Kaupov reported liver resection in children; Mirza Karimov B.H. published articles on preoperative preparation of children with chest deformities; Satyrganov talked about optimizing osteoblasts for surgery; Tanath proposed comprehensive surgical treatment of childhood ganglionopathy; Abdusamatov reported laparoscopic Ileocolic resection. Akilov H.A. talked about the advantages of endoscopic surgery for emergency abdominal surgery; Reskulbekov talked about the surgical treatment and prevention of hyacinthococcus; Ibramov K.S. presented a report on the role of MRI in the pathological diagnosis of the central nervous system in children; Karachev Uzakbayev reported on postoperative rehabilitation of children with hydrocephalus. Danyarov E.S. published a report on correcting ureteral reflux in children; Elikhbayev G.M. proposed a new method to determine the amount of foreskin removed during child and adolescent circumcision; Emirolanova talked about her experience treating malformations in children with spinal hernias; Aitaliyev M.S. talked about the modern aspects of antibiotic treatment. Malagazdarov B.O. published a report on neonatal mortality; Kurmanaliyev M.B. reported on correction of neonatal esophageal atresia; Mirzakhmetov proposed surgical techniques for correction of congenital diaphragmatic hernia; Erkulov E.I. talked about congenital choledochal cysts in children.

Part V: Metabolic diseases and allergies

Prof. Uiezko E.A. referred to the population policy of Belarus; Simchenko A.V. talked about follow-up services as a modern direction for the organization of medical care for children with perinatal diseases; Sankovets D.N. reported on treatment strategies and methods of managing premature infants; Shumilov P.V. reported on food allergies in children; Sorvacheva T.N. proposed a differentiated approach to the treatment of eating disorders in children and adolescents; Shishimororov I.N. mentioned the drug treatment of allergic diseases; Pavlovskaya E.V. talked about whether childhood obesity can be warned and dieting; Gorelova Z.Y. talked about the current state of school and preschool nutrition organizations; Misernitsky Y.L. proposed modern antiviral strategies in pediatrics; Bondarenko proposed laparoscopic undrained thoracoplasty; Galaktiova reported childhood dysplasia syndrome; Omurzakova A.E. published a report on the specificity of prenatal pathology in the presence of an aplateral phase in unborn babies.


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