OBJECTIVE: To explore the characteristics of renal function in relation to gestational age and postnatal day in premature infants. METHODS: Urinary microalbumin (mAlb), retionl binding protein (RBP) and N acetylbeta D glucosceminidase (NAG) concentrations were detected using the immunerurbidinetric method, ELISA method and rate method on the first day, fourth day and seventh day after birth in premature infants. The premature infants were divided into three groups in terms of gestational age: Group Ⅰ: 28~31 weeks; Group Ⅱ: 32~34 weeks; Group Ⅲ: 35~37 weeks. RESULTS: Within the same gestational age of the premature infants, the mAlb concentration showed a decreasing trend following increased postnatal day, but there was no statistical difference. The mAlb concentration in the premature infants of the same postnatal day decreased significantly as the gestational age increased in the three groups (P< 0.01 or 0.05 ). In Group Ⅰ and Group Ⅲ, the concentrations of RBP and NAG elevated with the increase of postnatal day and reached a peak on the fourth day, and decreased then significantly. In the premature infants of the same postnatal day, the changes of urinary RBP and NAG were the same as mAlb, decreasing significantly with the increase of gestational age, and there was a significant difference in the concentrations of RBP and NAG between the three groups (P< 0.01 or 0.05 ). CONCLUSIONS: The stature of glomerulus and renal tubules in premature infants is affected by gestational age and postnatal day.

"/> Dynamic Changes of Urinary Protein in Premature Infants During the Perinatal Period
  English Version
中国当代儿科杂志  2001, Vol. 3 Issue (6): 646-648    DOI:
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Dynamic Changes of Urinary Protein in Premature Infants During the Perinatal Period
HAN Mei, WEI Ke-Lun
Department of Pediatrics, Second Affiliated Hospital of China Medical University, Shenyang 110004, China
Copyright © 2004-2005 Chinese Journal Of Contemporary Pediatrics All rights reserved.
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