Abstract Objective To study the efficacy of short-term educational intervention for parents of preschool children with anxiety.Methods Forty-nine children with Spence Preschool Anxiety Scale(SPAS) scores of ≥48 were randomly divided into intervention and control groups. The children's parents in the intervention group received a collective curriculum on children's anxiety management six times, while the control group was only followed up. All children were evaluated for anxiety by the SPAS 3 and 6 months later, and then the results were compared between the two groups.Results The test was completed in 21 cases of the intervention group and 22 cases of the control group. At month 3,the intervention group had a significantly lower percentage of children with SPAS scores of ≥48 than the control group(62% vs 91%; PPPPConclusion Early short-term education for parents can relieve their preschool children's anxiety effectively, but the long-term effect needs to be evaluated by follow-up.
ZHU Ming-Zhe,ZHU Xiao-Jing,DU Jian-Er et al. Efficacy of short-term educational intervention for parents of preschool children with anxiety[J]. CJCP, 2014, 16(9): 901-904.
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