Abstract Objective To investigate the association between maternal job burnout and adolescent depression and the mediating effect of maternal depression and parenting style. Methods A cross-sectional study was conducted. The cluster random sampling method was used to select 2 572 adolescents from 7 middle schools in Shanghai, China, from April to May, 2021. A survey was performed for these adolescents and their mothers. The research tools included a general information questionnaire, Maslach Burnout Inventory-General Survey, Center for Epidemiologic Studies Depression Scale, short-form of Egna Minnen av Barndoms Uppfostran, and Children's Depression Inventory. A structural equation model was established, and the Bootstrap method was used to investigate the mediating effect. Results The detection rate of depressive symptoms was 12.71% (327/2 572) among the adolescents. The scores of maternal job burnout, maternal depression, and negative parenting style were positively correlated with the score of adolescent depression (P<0.05), and the score of positive parenting style was negatively correlated with the score of adolescent depression (P<0.05). Maternal depression and parenting style played a mediating role between maternal job burnout and adolescent depression, including the individual mediating effect of maternal depression, the individual mediating effect of positive parenting style, and the chain mediating effect of maternal depression-negative/positive parenting style. Conclusions Maternal job burnout may affect adolescent depression through the mediating effect of depression, parenting style, and depression-parenting style, suggesting that the symptoms of adolescent depression can be reduced by alleviating maternal job burnout, improving maternal depression, increasing positive parenting behaviors, and reducing negative parenting behaviors.
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