Abstract Objective To investigate the association between childhood trauma and game addiction in adolescents, as well as the mediating effect of self-control. Methods A cross-sectional study was conducted using cluster random sampling. The participants were 2 664 adolescents from a senior high school in Henan Province. The research tools included a demographic data questionnaire, Childhood Trauma Questionnaire-Short Form, Self-Control Scale, and Game Addiction Scale for Adolescents. The Bootstrap method was used to test the parallel mediating effect, with the five dimensions of self-control as mediators. Results The prevalence of game addiction among the adolescents was 17.68% (471/2 664). There was a positive correlation between childhood trauma and game addiction scores (P<0.01), and a negative correlation between childhood trauma scores and each dimension of self-control (P<0.01). Moreover, all five dimensions of self-control were negatively correlated with game addiction scores (P<0.01) and acted as parallel mediators between childhood trauma and game addiction. The mediating effects of restraint from entertainment (accounting for 15.6% of the total effect) and resistance to temptation (accounting for 10.6% of the total effect) were stronger. Conclusions Childhood trauma may increase the risk of game addiction by impairing adolescents' self-control abilities. The reduction of childhood trauma can cultivate self-control in adolescents and prevent the occurrence of game addiction.
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