CJCP     2014 16 (2):  185-189    ISSN: 1008-8830  CN: 43-1301/R

Effect of parent training in combination with methylphenidate treatment on family relationships for children with attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder
ZHANG Yan, KANG Chuan-Yuan, ZHAO Xing-Rong, XUAN Xu, DING Kai-Jing, LIU Rui-Xiang, WANG Yan-Jiao, YANG Run-Xu, LI Xue-Rong, WAN Shuai
Department of Psychiatry, First Affiliated Hospital of Kunming Medical University, Kunming 650032, China
Received: 2013-08-11  Revised: 2013-11-26  Online: null
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