CJCP     2021 23 (6):  547-554    ISSN: 1008-8830  CN: 43-1301/R

Association between maternal reduced folate carrier gene polymorphisms and congenital heart disease in offspring: a case-control study
QIN Jia-Bi1,2, SHENG Xiao-Qi3, WANG Ting-Ting3, HUANG Peng4, LI Yi-Huan2, LUO Liu2, LIU Yi-Ping2, DIAO Jing-Yi2, ZHU Ping1
Guangdong Provincial People's Hospital/Guangdong Academy of Medical Sciences, Guangzhou 510100, China
Received: 2021-03-16  Revised: 2021-04-06  Online: null
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