Abstract:Objective To investigate the differences between the Test of Infant Motor Performance (TIMP) data from the infants at 38-58 weeks of postconceptual age in three hospitals in Chongqing, China and the America norms, and to provide a reference for the introduction and application of TIMP in China. Methods TIMP was used to assess 642 infants with 38-58 weeks of postconceptual age who visited the departments of preterm infants or child healthcare in the Second Affiliated Hospital of Army Medical University, Shapingba Maternal and Child Health Hospital in Chongqing, and Chongqing Maternal and Child Health Hospital between January and December, 2016. The assessment scores were analyzed and compared with the America norms. Results The TIMP scores increased with the increasing postconceptual age, with 37±5 points in the 38-39+6 week group and 83±12 points in the 56-57+6 week group. All age groups had a significantly lower mean score than the America norms (P < 0.001). Conclusions TIMP scores can reflect the motor performance in infants with various postconceptual ages. The TIMP scores from the infants with a postconceptual age of 38-58 weeks in three hospitals in Chongqing are significantly different from the America norms, suggesting that it is very necessary in China to establish the Chinese norms for assessing motor performance in infants using TIMP.
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