Emergency plan for inter-hospital transfer of newborns with SARS-CoV-2 infection
CHEN Zheng, DU Li-Zhong, FU Jun-Fen, SHU Qiang, CHEN Zhi-Min, SHI Li-Ping, WANG Wei, CHEN Shuo-Hui, MA Xiao-Lu, YE Sheng, SUN Wei, CHEN Ming-Yan, ZHU Hai-Hong, HUANG Guo-Lan, LUO Fei-Xiang
National Clinical Research Center for Child Health/National Children's Regional Medical Center/Children's Hospital, Zhejiang University School of Medicine, Hangzhou 310052, China
Abstract:Since December 2019, the outbreak of coronavirus disease (COVID-19) has become the most serious public health issue. As the special population with immature immune function, newborns with COVID-19 have been reported. Newborns with suspected or confirmed COVID-19 should be transferred to designated hospitals for isolation treatment. An emergency transfer response plan for newborns with COVID-19 has been worked out. This plan puts forward the indications for neonatal COVID-19 transfer, organization management, protection strategies for medical staff, work procedures, and disinfection methods for transfer equipment, in order to provide guidance and suggestions for the inter-hospital transfer of suspected or confirmed neonatal COVID-19.
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