Expert consensus on enteral nutrition management for preterm infants in special situations (2024)
Nutritional Committee of Neonatology Branch of Chinese Medical Doctor Association; Preterm Committee of Neonatology Branch of Chinese Medical Doctor Association; Editorial Committee of Chinese Journal of Contemporary Pediatrics
摘要 早产儿出生后肠内营养的建立面临诸多挑战,尤其是存在一些特殊情况的早产儿,由于多种疾病因素和医疗干预妨碍肠内喂养的建立,造成这些早产儿的喂养目标、喂养的方式方法以及所面临的各种问题和解决方案充满了矛盾和争议。如何在保证安全的前提下,尽早建立肠内营养,尽快地达到全肠内喂养,是临床医师亟需解决的问题。该共识制订工作组基于国内外相关研究,采用证据推荐分级的评估、制订与评价方法(Grading of Recommendations Assessment, Development and Evaluation),形成了特殊情况的早产儿肠内营养管理专家共识,针对临床常见的9种特殊情况提出了14条推荐意见,旨在为相关从业人员提供特殊情况的早产儿肠内营养管理的建议,以改善这些早产儿的近远期预后。
Abstract:Establishing enteral nutrition after the birth of preterm infants presents numerous challenges, particularly for those in special situations. Various disease factors and medical interventions impede the establishment of enteral feeding, leading to conflicts and controversies regarding feeding goals, feeding methods, and the challenges and solutions faced by these infants. A critical issue for clinical physicians is how to safely and promptly establish enteral nutrition to achieve full enteral feeding as quickly as possible. The consensus formulation working group, based on both domestic and overseas research, adopted the Grading of Recommendations Assessment, Development and Evaluation, and formed an expert consensus on enteral nutrition management for preterm infants in special situations. This consensus provides 14 recommendations for 9 common special situations, aiming to offer guidance on enteral nutrition management for preterm infants to improve their short and long-term outcomes. Citation:Chinese Journal of Contemporary Pediatrics, 2024, 26(7): 665-676
Nutritional Committee of Neonatology Branch of Chinese Medical Doctor Association,Preterm Committee of Neonatology Branch of Chinese Medical Doctor Association,Editorial Committee of Chinese Journal of Contemporary Pediatrics. Expert consensus on enteral nutrition management for preterm infants in special situations (2024)[J]. CJCP, 2024, 26(7): 665-676.
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