Abstract:Leigh syndrome is a genetically heterogeneous disease caused by defects in enzymes involved in aerobic energy metabolism and the Krebs' cycle. Mitonchondrial complex I deficiency is a main cause of Leigh syndrome. In this study, a Chinese child with Leigh syndrome caused by 13513G>A mutation was reported. The proband was the first child of his parents. The previously healthy boy presented with generalized epilepsy at 12 years of age. When he visited Peking University First Hospital at 13 years of age, he had subacute loss of vision in two eyes and temporal defect of visual field in the left eye. He walked with a spastic gait. His blood lactate and pyruvate levels were elevated. Muscle biopsy showed mild lipid accumulation in muscle fiber. An electrocardiogram showed incomplete right bundle branch block. Brain magnetic resonance imaging showed bilateral, symmetrical lesions in the basal ganglia, supporting the diagnosis of Leigh syndrome. 13513G>A mutation was identified by gene analysis in the patient, which led to mitochondrial respiratory chain complex I deficiency. Multivitamins and L-carnitine were administered. At present, the patient is 16 years old and has progressive deterioration with significant muscle weakness and body weight loss. He is absent from school. He has no obvious retardation in intelligence. 13513G>A mutation was first identified by gene analysis in Chinese population with Leigh syndrome. This may be helpful in genetic counseling.[Chin J Contemp Pediatr, 2009, 11 (5):333-336]
WEI Xiao-Qiong,KONG Qing-Peng,ZHANG Yao et al. A case of Leigh syndrome associated with respiratory chain complex I deficiency due to mitochondrial gene 13513G>A mutation[J]. CJCP, 2009, 11(05): 333-336.
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