2024 26 (4):
ISSN: 1008-8830 CN: 43-1301/R
Cerebral oxygen metabolism and brain electrical activity of healthy full-term neonates in high-altitude areas: a multicenter clinical research protocol |
ZE Bi1, GAO Jin2, ZHAO Xiao-Fen2, LI Yang-Fang2, ZHANG Tie-Song3, LIU Xiao-Mei3, MAO Hui4, QIN Ming-Cai5, ZHANG Yi6, YANG Yong-Li7, HE Chun-Ye8, ZHAO Yan9, DU Kun2, LIU Lin2, ZHOU Wen-Hao1,10,Chinese High Altitude Neonatal Medicine Alliance CASE REPORT |
. Department of Neonatology, Children's Hospital of Fudan University/National Children's Medical Center, Shanghai 201101, China .Department of Neonatology, Kunming Children's Hospital/National Clinical Key Specialty, Kunming 650000, China |
Received: 2023-10-23 Revised: null Online: null |
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