Abstract:Objective To study the effects of erythropoietin (EPO) on serum levels of neuron-specific enolase (NSE) and S-100B in neonates with hypoxic-ischemic encephalopathy (HIE) and the underlying mechanism. Methods Forty neonates with HIE were randomly divided into conventional treatment (n=20) and EPO treatment groups (n=20). Twenty healthy full-term neonates born during the same period were randomly selected as the normal control group. The conventional treatment group received conventional treatment, while the EPO treatment group received conventional treatment as well as EPO [200 IU/(kg·d)] which was given by intravenous infusion from the second day after birth. The course of treatment was 7 days. Blood samples of the three groups were collected on the first day after birth (before treatment) and the ninth day after birth (after treatment). Serum levels of NSE and S-100B were measured by doubleantibody sandwich ABC-ELISA. Results Before treatment, the two treatment groups had significantly higher serum NSE and S-100B levels than the normal control group (PP>0.05). The serum NSE and S-100B levels on the ninth day after birth were significantly lower than those on the first day after birth in the three groups (PPConclusions Dynamic monitoring of serum NSE and S-100B levels may be helpful for the early diagnosis of HIE and the assessment of brain injury repair in newborns with HIE. EPO may be helpful for the repair of neurons and glial cells.
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