摘要 B 族链球菌可引起新生儿早发型和晚发型疾病,主要危险因素是母亲胃肠道和生殖道的定植。目前对存在危险因素的妊娠妇女有两种筛选方案:高危因素评估方案和普遍筛查方案;美国等国家采取产时抗生素预防性治疗措施,使早发型B 族链球菌疾病的发病率大幅度降低,但对晚发型疾病的发病率影响不大。抗生素预防性治疗首选青霉素,对青霉素过敏者需依据菌株药敏结果选择药物。抗生素预防性治疗措施存在一定的弊端,需积极研发其他的预防措施来预防B 族链球菌感染。
Abstract:Group B Streptococcus (GBS) is responsible for two distinct clinical syndromes in the newborn period categorised as either early- or late-onset GBS disease. Maternal GBS colonization of gastrointestinal tract or vaginal is the major risk factor for GBS diseases. There are two main strategies for identifying women at risk of giving birth to a GBS-infected infant: universal screening strategy and risk-based assessment. In the United States and other countries, the implementation of maternal intrapartum antibiotic prophylaxis policies has significantly reduced the incidence of early-onset neonatal GBS disease, but has little effect on the incidence of late-onset GBS disease. Penicillin is the first choice for antibiotic prophylaxis treatment. GBS strains which are isolated from pregnant women who are allergic to penicillin should undergo antibiotic susceptibility testing. Antibiotic prophylaxis measures have some disadvantages, so researchers should actively develop other precautions to prevent GBS infection.
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