摘要 目的 探讨儿童孤独症谱系障碍(ASD)与癫癎的相关性。方法 选取ASD患儿190例,采用自编问卷、儿童孤独症评定量表和孤独症行为量表对儿童ASD与癫癎相关问题进行调查。结果 190例ASD患儿中,20例(10.5%)曾有癫癎发作,12例(6.3%)被诊断为癫癎。有癫癎发作的ASD儿童1岁前出现体格发育问题及听力问题的比例较无癫癎发作的ASD儿童显著增高(P P P P 结论 儿童ASD与癫癎患病有显著关联,可根据儿童1岁前生长发育状况、感觉反应能力和行为能力及有无癫癎发作评估二者共患的可能性。
Abstract:Objective To examine the association between autism spectrum disorder (ASD) and epilepsy in children. Methods A total of 190 children with ASD were enrolled. A self-designed questionnaire, Childhood Autism Rating Scale, and Autism Behavior Checklist were used to determine the association between ASD and epilepsy. Results Among the 190 children with ASD, 20 (10.5%) had epileptic seizures and 12 (6.3%) were diagnosed with epilepsy. The rates of abnormal physical development and hearing disorders before the age of one year were significantly higher in ASD children with epileptic seizures than in those without epileptic seizures (P P P P Conclusions There is a significant association between ASD and epilepsy in children. The possibility of the comorbidity between ASD and epilepsy may be assessed according to the status of growth and development before the age of one year, sensory responses and behavioral competencies, and the presence or absence of epileptic seizures.
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