OBJECTIVE: To evaluate the diagnostic va lue of serum neuron specific enolase(NSE) and single photo emission computed tomography(SPECT) regional cerebral blood flow(rCBF) imaging in childhood status epilepticus(SE). METHODS: Serum NSE concentration was assayed in 28 children with SE and in 40 normal controls using E LISA. SPECT rCBF imaging was performed in 15 cases of SE. RESULTS: The mean serum NSE concentration in the SE patients [(15.13± 6.22) μg/L] was higher than that in normal cont rols [(2.64± 0.77) μg/L] on day 1(P < 0.01). However,it gradually reduced from day 3 and normalized on da y 7. SPECT rCBF imaging was abnormal in 11 of the 15 SE cases.CONCLUSIONS: Serum NSE is a marker in the diagnosis of brain injury in children with SE. SPECT rCBF imaging may be useful in assessing the location of brain injury in children with SE.

"/> Serum neuron specific enolase and SPECT rCBF imageing in childhood status epilepticus
  English Version
中国当代儿科杂志  2002, Vol. 4 Issue (2): 103-105    DOI:
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Serum neuron specific enolase and SPECT rCBF imageing in childhood status epilepticus
OU Yang-Ying, PENG Qian, MU Fa-Guang, LI Mao-Jun, ZHANG Ling-Yin, LIU Li, YOU Zheng-Yun, SONG Wen-Zhong
Department of Pediatrics,ichuan Provincial People’s ospital,Chengdu 610072,China
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