Abstract OBJECTIVE: This study explored the subjective quality of life in children with Tourette syndrome (TS) in order to provide a basis for more effective interference of TS. METHODS: A total of 174 children with TS (≥8 years old) and 186 aged-matched healthy children as controls were enrolled. The subjective quality of life was investigated by a case-control study. RESULTS: The total score of subjective quality of life in the TS group (156.6±21.1) was lower than that in the control group (164.2±21.2; P<0.01). The scores of family life, school life, cognitive component, anxiety experience and depression experience (19.1±3.5 vs 20.7±3.0, 24.1±4.4 vs 26.6±3.2, 90.6±13.3 vs 97.9±15.3, 24.0±4.6 vs 25.1±3.1 and 23.8±4.4 vs 24.7±3.5) in the TS group were lower than those in the control group (P<0.05). The correlation analysis showed that the total score of subjective quality of life in children with TS was negatively related to the age, the course of disease, the severity of symptoms, the total score of child behavior problem and family conflict (r=-0.432, -0.213, -0.869, -0.137, -0.257; P<0.01), while it was positively related to family active-cultural orientation (r=0.084, P<0.01). The multiple step regression analysis indicated that the factors influencing the subjective quality of life in children with TS included the severity of symptoms, age, family conflict and family active-cultural orientation (β′=-0.787, -0.171, -0.109, 0.106; P<0.01). CONCLUSIONS: The subjective quality of life is not well in children with TS. It is important to control clinical symptoms and improve family environment for the improvement of the subjective quality of life in children with TS.
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