Abstract Objective To explore the attention characteristics of children with different clinical subtypes of attention deficit hyperactivity disorder(ADHD) and to provide a basis for clinical intervention.Methods A total of 345 children diagnosed with ADHD were selected and the subtypes were identified. Attention assessment was performed by the intermediate visual and auditory continuous performance test at diagnosis, and the visual and auditory attention characteristics were compared between children with different subtypes. A total of 122 normal children were recruited in the control group and their attention characteristics were compared with those of children with ADHD. Results The scores of full scale attention quotient(AQ) and full scale response control quotient(RCQ) of children with all three subtypes of ADHD were significantly lower than those of normal children(PPPPConclusion The attention function of children with ADHD is worse than that of normal children, and the impairment of visual attention function is severer than that of auditory attention function. The degree of functional impairment of visual or auditory attention shows no significant differences between three subtypes of ADHD.
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