Efficacy of different preparations of budesonide combined with pulmonary surfactant in the treatment of neonatal respiratory distress syndrome: a comparative analysis
KE Hua, LI Zhan-Kui, YU Xi-Ping, GUO Jin-Zhen
Department of Neonatology, Northwest Women and Children's Hospital, Xi'an 710061, China
Abstract Objective To study the efficacy of different preparations of budesonide combined with pulmonary surfactant (PS) in improving blood gas levels and preventing bronchopulmonary dysplasia (BPD) in preterm infants with neonatal respiratory distress syndrome (NRDS). Methods A total of 184 preterm infants who developed NRDS within 4 hours after birth were randomly administered with PS + continuous inhalation of budesonide aerosol (continuous aerosol group), PS+budesonide solution (solution group), PS + single inhalation of budesonide aerosol (single aerosol group), and PS alone, with 46 neonates in each group. The changes in arterial blood gas levels, rate of invasive mechanical ventilation after treatment, time of assisted ventilation, rate of repeated use of PS, and the incidence of BPD were compared between the four groups. Results On the 2nd to 4th day after treatment, pH, PCO2, and oxygenation index (FiO2/PaO2) showed significant differences among the four groups, and the continuous aerosol group showed the most improvements of all indicators, followed by the solution group, single aerosol group, and PS alone group. The continuous aerosol group had a significantly shorter time of assisted ventilation than the other three groups (PPPConclusions A combination of PS and continuous inhalation of budesonide aerosol has a better efficacy in the treatment of NRDS than a combination of PS and budesonide solution. The difference in reducing the incidence of BDP between the two administration methods awaits further investigation with a larger sample size.
KE Hua,LI Zhan-Kui,YU Xi-Ping et al. Efficacy of different preparations of budesonide combined with pulmonary surfactant in the treatment of neonatal respiratory distress syndrome: a comparative analysis[J]. CJCP, 2016, 18(5): 400-404.
KE Hua,LI Zhan-Kui,YU Xi-Ping et al. Efficacy of different preparations of budesonide combined with pulmonary surfactant in the treatment of neonatal respiratory distress syndrome: a comparative analysis[J]. CJCP, 2016, 18(5): 400-404.
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